Nettle, Rocket and Pumpkin Seed Pesto – Tom Lewis, Monachyle Mhor


Sea salt

Fresh ground black pepper

100g rocket

200g nettle leaves – blanched, refreshed and dried well

100g toasted pumpkin seeds – use a hot pan and toss until they pop

100g Arran smoked garlic cheese – finely grated

200ml-250ml of light olive oil

Squeeze of lemon juice



Pound the rocket and nettle leaves with a little pinch of salt

Pulse the mixture in the food processor or in a mortar and pestle

Add the toasted pumpkin seeds and pulse again

Pour out into a bowl and mix with the Arran smoked garlic cheese

Stir gently and add the olive oil (you need just enough to bind the sauce together to get an oozy consistency)

Season to taste

Add more cheese and oil until you are happy with the taste and consistency

You might like to add a squeeze of lemon juice at the end to give it a little twang


Tip – Don’t over grind the mixture as it needs a bit of texture

Tip – Make sure you pick the tender top nettle leaves and not the woody ones at the bottom

Tip – For a stronger taste add some fresh garlic when pounding the rocket and nettle leaves






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